In the mean time, here's some stuff I think you should know about:

Once upon a time, in the Magical Kingdom of Cleveland, a mythical place called Speak In Tongues actually existed, and it was amazing. A lot of messengers and creatures and ghosts and time travelers and crusties and heroes passed through the venue while it was there, and I would imagine that all of those would be hard pressed to have not been affected and influenced by the experience.
I'm not entirely sure I would know how to (or even have the license to) explain Speak In Tongues in a manner any better than that, but fortunately- I DON'T HAVE TO. One of the aforementioned heroes was a photographer named Ken Blaze. He's publishing a book of photographs of Speak in Tongues called Escaped To The Future, and it looks to be pretty incredible.

TONIGHT, FEBRUARY 25th 2011, Ken Blaze is throwing a release party for Escaped To The Future, at Visible Voice Books in Tremont. I know the weather's the worst, and there's FEET of SNOW all over the city, hell- I may not even be able to get to this event (much less out my door), but if you're stalwart and true and curious about one of the most significant cultural anomalies in Cleveland's history, or absolutely spectacular photography, or just want to schmooze and hang tough with others stalwart and true, you should go to this thing. If you can't make it to this jam, you should definitely keep your peepers peeled and grip this book post haste. Seek it out. That's your mission.
So, that flier for the release, drawn by my current collaborator on things Jake Kelly, features my dude Erick. He used to reign in Cleveland, a Speak staple, a weirdo of the highest caliber, but now he's in Brooklyn, NY. Anyway, he's been posting some great shit on Mute Tremors, which I encourage you to check out. The most recent thing is pretty awesome, and involves a confrontation with a doppelganger, which I found pretty humorous because on more than one occasion people confused us as brothers. Weird.
Speaking of doppelganger: Learn How To Defeat Them.
Speaking of Nine Panel Grids, Asaf Hanuka's The Realist has been pretty much straight up amazing for a little over a year. Really great, just start at the beginning and read on. In English, or Hebrew!
Hey, I was sitting on this until I could provide some art with it, but... whatever, I was on another episode of Astound Comics' podcast Comics Are Go! It's episode 56, you can download it or listen to it here: Comics Are Go on iTunes. It was a blast to sit in on the whole episode and rap about comics and movie trailers. Big thanks to Scott, Matt, and Hot Liquid!
Hey. Superman Annual 2011, an 80 Page Giant. The Cover, by Dustin Nguyen:

This came out about a month ago, of note because my dudes Abhay Khosla and Andy MacDonald have a story in it about Jimmy Olson. It's pretty awesome. I wish I had some art to post from it, but I didn't feel like digging around for it. Check out Abhay's comics here: TWIST STREET. You should also check out Andy's Terminator book with Zack Whedon here: TERMINATOR 2029-1984.
This weekend in LA: I have a piece in an art show.
This weekend in Cleveland: All Dinosaurs release a record.
Stay Tuned, more actual art and other stuff next week!
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