Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tradition + New

Heights Guitars has been there since the dawn of time, but has recently been taken on by new owners, so they're making some positive changes and throwing a great grand opening party this Saturday!

I know it seems like this poster is for an event in direct competition with Genghis Con at The Beachland Ballroom, but I beg to differ. I think this exemplifies the amount of awesome stuff going on in Cleveland, the East Side, even. You can easily go to BOTH of these events, and get some of that crazy holiday gift shopping nailed down in one afternoon.

I initially had no clue what to draw for this poster. I was at a loss. I knew where the store is located, had driven past a million times, but never been in. I was pretty familiar with some of the bands some of the employees are in, but again... that's not really information that should play directly into the approach for the store. If anything, it's a great thing to keep peripherally in mind.

In the end, I opted to represent a traditional/psychedelic Robert Johnson, electrified deep in a colorized splatterfield with zip-a-tone. It's a slight departure for me, but that's something I'm more interested in doing than repeating myself at all. I actually really like how this played out. Tradition + New.

Here's the famous photo I used as a ref, obviously.

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