It's been so goddamn cold out I've been staying in and trying not to leave my apartment for any reason. I've failed myserably every day. But still. I try. Today I hit the post office, so if I owe you some shit, it is indeed on it's way. I've only got maybe four or five copies of
The Caveman Diaries Vol. 5 left, so if you want a copy, order it

I finally sat around and messed with a bunch of digital photos I took, some while
my sister was in town a couple weekends ago. It was a good weekend, but it ate a lot of time that I should have spent working on things that need to get done. I can't blame that entirely on her though, she wasn't in town this past weekend and I didn't get anything done then either. Here's some photos:

I've got a shit ton of sketchbook shit to scan and post, so, stay tuned.