Thursday, November 02, 2006

UPDATE, Free Times Piece, Fuckin' Snow

I can't believe I haven't been posting any updates, but I haven't really been doing any flyers and all the art I've been doing has either been for Caveman Diaries #5 or for that column "The Joint" for the Free Times. So, I'll post a piece that I did for that which I'm actually proud of. The piece is about the health care faculties that the Ohio prison system provide. Here's the link: The Joint. This was a particularily good column and I'm glad I did a good piece for it. People always ask if the column is real or fake and who actually writes it. It IS real. The author, Lidge, is in prison right now. I've never written him and he's never written me. I deal strictly with the Free Times Art Director, Ron Kretsch. I have seen the hand written unedited versions of the columns though, so I know they're real.

There's a totally shitty blizzard outside right now. It hit kinda hard, and now it's totally shitty. Hopefully it will be gone by tomorrow morning.

P.S. I have given myself the deadline of having Caveman Diaries #5 done by next Friday, the 10th, my 28th birthday. It's going to be a much bigger zine, filled mostly with the 35+ flyers I've done since issue 3. I'm going to print it full zined at 8.5 x 11, with both a full color centerpiece and full color cover. I'll post again with further details when I'm done.

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