Wednesday, September 22, 2010

We're Gonna Need a Bigger Plate

FOR ONE WEEKEND ONLY!!! MELT bar & grilled has gone completely off the deep end.


Grilled Blood Orange Marinated Mako Shark
Pineapple & Blood Orange Salsa
Sweet Balsamic Reduction (black, like a dolls eyes)
Muenster Cheese

Of course, this amazing sandwich is only available for the weekend that the terrifying classic, JAWS, is playing at The Cedar Lee. Which will be on Saturday, October 2nd at both 9:30 and Midnight!

I'm definitely going to see this, maybe at Midnight. Jaws is one of my all time favorite movies, but I've never seen it on the big screen. My plan will be to grab a sandwich at the East Side Melt, right up the street from the Cedar Lee, then go watch this movie with a vengeance.

I remember the first time I saw Jaws as a pup; I think I was afraid to even take a bath for something like 6 months after that. Not that I was a huge fan of bathing at that time anyway. Or... now, for that matter.

Speaking of Roy Scheider, I just got a copy of Blue Thunder, about to put it on as I wrap up the drawing aspects for the posters for Melt's monthly special in October.

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