Friday, December 24, 2010

Gritmas 2010

It's Gritmas 2010. Clevelyn is kind of ...buzzing. The energy has gone weirdsmobile. All my friends are geniuses. I've been listening to GZA's Liquid Swords Instrumentals and wouldn't think it, but without the vocals, it's pretty much an entirely different record. There's a black and white cat that stalks territory outside The Volcano. I call him Grand Master. My Winterbeard's in fierce effect. My Ladybird's fierce. The Boss is still watching the over arcs. Dope Lights abound. Work, unyielding.

Go. Find your families. Eat something. Spend some time warm, and at rest. Don't worry, the Angels and Heroes will hold the line until you get back. With a full heart for 2011.

1 comment:

Lorraine, Rick, Dylan and Mocha said...

Merry Gritmas John! We LOVE you!