Been on my grind, and this is actually just the tip of the 2010 ice berg, I hope. I've got a lot of irons in a couple fires, and I'm looking forward to hitting you on the head with them, but not yet... so, here's this. Hot Cha Cha, Kid Tasted, Fangs Out at The Happy Dog.

This is as detailed as I got with the roughs this time. Just, I had a vision for this and knew what I wanted, so I blasted through this step just nailing down the bare bones of this piece.

Drawing speed lines is ridiculous. I'm actually really happy with how this came out. I think the energy works, and I had a good time drawing this. I especially think the Wolf's face works the way I wanted it to, which I'm shocked by. I didn't expect to nail that. In fact, now that I'm looking at this, I'm still a little surprised at how much I didn't screw this up.

Here's the black and white with the text. I applied the Threshold Adjustment to the line art to make it all contrasty. It's an essential step before coloring the living daylights out of anything. Though, I opted not to change the colors of any of the line art this time. Speed lines, gotta stay heavy.

Made this jpg a little bigger just for fun. I added that red splatter (which then mostly gets covered by the text) and the blue to the sky in the bottom after going buck wild with the colors. This is a case where I didn't really intend to spend a lot of time on it, but then did because I got kind of wrapped up in it. At any rate, good times.
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