There's a new Witchfinder comic out from Dark Horse. It's called Lost and Gone Forever, which is most notably part of the lyrics to an American Western Folk Song, Oh My Darling, Clementine. At least, that's what I took it as, this being somewhat of a western comic, featuring an English Paranormal Victorian Era Detective named Sir Edward Grey. The Witchfinder is tied pretty closely to the entire Hellboy universe of comics.
The first volume of Witchfinder comics, In The Service of Angels was really awesome, so I was looking forward to this ever since that series ended. Little did I know it would be drawn by the legendary John Severin.
This was kind of a fast piece, drawn in short bursts while waiting for ink to dry on other things or printers to print, or files to transfer- so it took a couple days to get final, but I think all said and done, this is in the neighborhood of a 90 minute piece. Between the All Dinosaurs poster, the Dude Abide posters, and this... I think I'm addicted to these earthy palettes. I wonder what's up with that?
Wow, dude! This is great!
Thanks, Mike! I was kinda self-conscious about it because it's less than perfect, but then I spent the time making it, so... woobhoo-bloggin it up!
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